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Best Practices in Coach-to-Athlete Communication

FinalForms Media

Time: 2:00

John Madden, the late Hall of Fame NFL coach and iconic broadcaster was not only one of the most influential coaches in NFL history, he was one of the best at connecting and communicating with his players. “Communication between a coach and his players was being able to say good things, bad things, and average things. Conversely, it’s being able to listen to good, bad, and average things … I tried to talk to each player. Sometimes it was merely a quick “How ya’ doin’?” Sometimes it was a conversation. But by talking to them every day, they didn’t feel like something was up when I would stop to talk to them” (Madden).

Like Madden’s experience throughout his time coaching, navigating the complexities of coach-to-athlete communication requires more than just conveying information—it involves fostering trust, empathy, and constructive feedback. Sports psychologists unanimously agree that the coach–athlete relationship is a crucial predictor of successful coaching. As a coach, your role is pivotal in shaping this environment by prioritizing these elements. Here’s how you can effectively integrate these principles into your coaching:

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Your 5 Point Checklist for the 2020 Virtual National AD Conference

Clay Burnett

This 5-minute read and a quick practice session is all you need to succeed at the AD Conference.

The NFHS NIAAA National Athletic Director’s Conference has been the premier event in the industry for 51 years. The excitement of visiting the host city, arriving in a big hotel room, learning new things, eating at new restaurants, seeing new gadgets and gear, and socializing with fellow ADs is an unparalleled opportunity that we all appreciate just a little bit more right now.

Soooo… yeah, 2020 will be a bit different. 

The good news is you can still get a lot out of it. The AD Conference is more accessible than ever. Sessions, vendors, and new relationships await. It’ll just take a little more effort than your nice, big smile this year. Don’t worry, we’re here to help. We’ve come up with a simple checklist that includes all the skills and savvy you’ll make the most of the 2020 AD Conference. 

Huddle up… here we go…


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5 Savings Side Effects of FinalForms

Clay Burnett

Tight budget. Shrinking budget. No budget...
You have options.

We get it. COVID-19 sucks up funding, crushes budgets, disrupts time lines, and creates chaos in every athletic department. Your job as an AD is more demanding right now than it's ever been. As you look at your budget, it's time to cut unnecessary commitments and identify options that can save you time, money, and headaches.

(Stick around for the kicker at the end!)


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Our VP of Sales Talks About AD's Perspectives on Technology

Clay Burnett

Responsible choices reflect the mission, vision, and values of any organization.

Dave Baker, our longest tenured Sales Team member, sees a change in AD's attitude toward technology.

"There is an expanding gap between companies that perform, and those that don't," claims Baker, "The best tech companies are delivering personable, reliable, and adaptable services. Decision making is getting easier... But only if you ask around. And I am thrilled that more and more ADs are looking to their peers to verify promises."

When Dave Baker left VNN to join FinalForms in 2014, he set a goal to create a positive impact on the culture of a business, his state, and an industry. Six years later, Baker looks back at explosive growth, key decisions, and the integrity behind FinalForms' impact.

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6 Tips for Dealing with Politics in High School Athletics

Clay Burnett

Athletic programs deliver a ton of upsides to communities. They teach the importance of teamwork and hard work, they build camaraderie, and they can even bring an entire community together.

Unfortunately, for a variety of reasons—such as selfish and aggressive parents, coaches that show favoritism, and donor and booster club influences—student athletics can have a dark underbelly. In this blog post, we’ll take a quick look at why bureaucracy happens and provide six tips athletic directors can use for dealing with politics in high school athletics.

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Schools Used FinalForms to Send 4.5M Emails in March

FinalForms Media

While your staffers may think "forms" when they hear FinalForms, our stats tell us there is an even more popular use for our online registration system: email communication. Staying connected with staff, parents, and students can be an uphill battle. However, in the midst of the current COVID-19 pandemic, email communication is a critical lifeline. Staffers relied on FinalForms' uninterrupted, zero-delay service to send 4.5 million emails last month. 

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Top 7 Questions Athletic Directors Should Ask When Choosing Software

Clay Burnett

You’ve decided to invest in athletic director software, but you know you can’t just buy any old solution and expect incredible results. As with anything else, you need to do your due diligence and research your options in order to pinpoint a vendor that meets your criteria and needs most effectively.

As you begin your search for the best athletic director software, here are seven questions you should ask to narrow down your options.

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FinalForms Provides 5 First Year Athletic Directors with Scholarship

FinalForms Media

The FinalForms Scholarship, awarded by WSSAAA, provides financial assistance to first-year athletic administrators for the WSSAAA Annual Conference. FinalForms puts forth funds to allow WSSAAA to select 5 athletic administrators attend the conference or participate in NIAAA leadership training courses.

“We consider it an honor to provide the scholarship. FinalForms’ core values revolve around improving education-based athletics,” states Steve Frucci, “By helping these ADs gain education and exposure to best practices, we’re helping to raise the bar.”

“As a first-year Athletic Director, I have been seeking different opportunities to gain Professional Development experiences. The WSSAAA Conference is just one great way for me to learn and make important contacts and connections,” says last year’s recipient Kristin DiJosie of Lakewood High School, “As a result of earning this scholarship, I was able to enroll in a leadership course that counts for credit toward my Certified Athletic Administrator credentials.”

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Clay Burnett honored by Ohio Senate for Remarkable Distinction

FinalForms Media

Clay Burnett Photo 2019The Quisenberry Service Award, awarded by the Ohio Senate, recognizes special contributions, leadership and service to interscholastic athletics in Ohio as well as the local and state level. It is presented to an individual from outside the profession of athletic administration who has made powerful improvements and offered quality service to interscholastic athletes.

“It’s truly fulfilling to receive the honor. The recognition of FinalForms’ impact on education-based athletics is an unprecedented distinction for our team, product and service,” claims Burnett, “Our commitment to school district compliance and student safety, as well as the integrity of our staff supports our offering, which drives industry standards in education technology.”

Burnett has led the explosive growth of FinalForms while setting new industry standards, annually doubling revenues, and maintaining a flawless client retention record. Today he's fulfilling his vision of building a team, designing a product, and providing a service that dramatically improves both education and athletics.

“You have striven to better the world around you, and your intuitiveness and integrity has earned you the esteem of all who know you. We are certain that you will continue to put forth the same unwavering commitment to excellence for which you have become known, and your accomplishments will encourage your fellow citizens to join together and enact improvement not only for our state’s prosperity but also for the advancement of tomorrow’s leaders,” wrote Senator Larry Obhof, President of the Ohio Senate.

Burnett accepted the award at the Northeast Ohio Interscholastic Athletic Administration Association awards banquet in April.

Photo: Left: Clay Burnett; Right: Kevin Leigh, Athletic Director, Padua Franciscan High School.


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